One of the most talked about topics everywhere has been the new Netflix Round 6 (Squid Game) series.
The success of this South Korean production has been so great that it is no coincidence to see its name as the most viewed by Netflix's streaming service.
To begin with, we need to understand that South Korea, since the early 1990s, realized that the country's creative economy and culture could be one of the main lucrative products to export to the world.
We can see this with k-pop bands, a worldwide phenomenon, various video games, award-winning movies like "Parasite", the first South Korean production to win an Oscar and now with the Round 6 series, by creator Hwang Dong-hyuk .
Briefly, the series tells the story of different characters with personal dramas, which include very serious financial problems, leading them to a desperate attitude of accepting everything for money.
With a promise to help them with a cash prize at the end, a mysterious organization puts them in various battle scenarios, where those who fail to complete the missions are literally eliminated.
And like any good series, Round 6 manages to create a connection with its viewers that goes far beyond financial problems and desperate people.
For this reason, I want to introduce you to some life lessons that can be absorbed by the series:
People are fooled into thinking that just playing "silly games" is enough to win a lot of money.
You know that saying: alms too much, the saint suspects?
We need the money to survive, so believe me, no one will make it that easy for you.
There will always be a price, and it can be very high.
We noticed in the series that, many moments of solidarity that don't seem to bring any immediate benefit, are reciprocated later.
Doing good to your neighbor warms your heart and makes life provide you with moments where you will also need this solidarity and receive it in some way.
It is not enough to have strength or resilience, it is necessary to think.
A lot of problems are faced with strategies and a lot of calm.
Life can be very hard for many people and having a true friend, one you can trust and who really cares about you, can make life lighter and your soul more welcome.
There is no money in the world that can buy it.
This has been proven to be one of the ways people lose money fast.
Statistically, thousands of people need to lose everything for one to win.
So, back to the first lesson learned!
Remembering that the series has an interesting plot, intriguing mysteries and very strong death scenes.
If you like that kind of thrills, Round 6 (Squid Game) might impress you!
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