Amazon Prime Day starts today! Enjoy!

Over 15 thousand products with exclusive offers for Prime customers

Amazon Prime Day starts today! Enjoy!

Over 15 thousand products with exclusive offers for Prime customers

Today, October 13, the long awaited Amazon prime Day is already happening, with the promise of more than 15 thousand products with super discounts, in notebooks, smartphones, smart TVs, cleaning products, kitchen items, toys, clothes, shoes, sporting goods in many more.

To get these exclusive discounts, just subscribe to Amazon Prime (learn more by clicking here ), for only R $ 9.90 per month.

It is the first time that Amazon Brasil has held this event for Brazil, which takes place for 48 hours until tomorrow, October 14th. With the participation of major brands such as Electrolux, Canon, Philips, LG, Nespresso, among others, the offers have a limited duration and can be in the "flash offer" style.

Many define these two days as an anticipation of Black Friday, but only for those who are Amazon Prime subscribers.

Want to take advantage of these unmissable offers, with free shipping and no minimum purchase limit? Go to now!

Good shopping!

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