Eat chocolate without guilt this Easter!

Meet Linea's Fit Easter Eggs

Eat chocolate without guilt this Easter!

Meet Linea's Fit Easter Eggs

For those who seek to follow a diet strictly, but love a chocolate, the suffering is doubled when Easter approaches.

After all, chocolate is almost irresistible, isn't it?

Looking for less caloric options, while still being tasty, the Linea brand, which is a specialist in products that promote quality of life, through a healthier and more flavorful diet, developed this line of Easter eggs in Zero Lactose versions , Dark 50% cocoa, White Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Filled with Chocolate Mousse and Cookies´N Cream.

Want to know more? Then check it out:

Linea Easter Egg Zero Lactose

This Egg has been carefully developed for those people who have lactose intolerance or prefer to avoid it. Enjoy your chocolate without any worries.

Without sugar and gluten and with a lot of creaminess and flavor, Linea Easter Egg Zero Lactose will surprise you!

Linea Dark Easter Egg

The novelty of this Dark Easter Egg by Linea is the addition of fibers and collagen, which are excellent for firmer skin and a good functioning of the organism.

With 50% cocoa, without sugar and gluten, try this more potent version of chocolate that is also delicious!

Linea White Easter Egg and Cookies´N Cream

Anyone who has tried it, says that there is no difference in the taste of a traditional white chocolate.

With this great difference of not having added sugar and not having gluten, Linea White Easter Egg and Linea Easter Egg Cookies´N Cream please even the most demanding people´s palates.

The second version has the crispness of cookies and the unrivaled taste of white chocolate.

Both have collagen and fibers in their compositions.

Linea Milk Easter Egg

This traditional version of Linea Easter Egg with Milk is a success.

Creamy, delicious and without the worry of too many calories.

Eat your chocolate without guilt, savoring each piece!

Linea Easter Egg Stuffed Chocolate Mousse

If you are not content with just the shells of chocolate eggs, Linea Easter Egg Stuffed Chocolate Mousse will impress you.

Filled with a generous layer of chocolate mousse, with collagen, with no added sugar and no gluten, this Easter Egg is the "cherry on the cake" of the Linea Easter Eggs line.

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