I remember loving roller skating when I was a preteen. First, because I was able to balance myself, which was already quite a challenge.
Then there was the mental work of trusting yourself to start the first movements and finally, the maneuvers and speed that brought that good adrenaline, which left me with that feeling of satisfaction and pride in myself.
Today, with a little more age, (just a little rs), I can't say why I stopped practicing this amazing sport and, knowing the benefits it can offer, it's hard not to think about practicing it again.
Are you curious to know? Check it out:
Because it is a super dynamic activity, you can move and tone the muscles of your abdomen, butt, calves and thighs, developing your muscles in a very efficient way.
Because it requires considerable physical effort, you burn localized fat and are able to lose weight. You can lose up to 500 calories in 1 hour of skating.
And the process goes hand in hand with toning the muscles. In short, you lose weight and tone your muscles at the same time.
Skating promotes a wonderful blood flow, stimulating your cardiovascular system, in addition to developing the muscles of your heart.
This is the recipe for a healthy and young heart.
As it is a sport that requires balance to practice it, you can have a better awareness of your body, improving your balance, your reflexes and and control.
Which requires both physical and mental effort. Of course, the result can only be this: exercise your muscles and mind successfully!
Like the bicycle or skateboard, skating can be your means of transportation. At the same time that you have fun and exercise your body, you can move quickly and very easily, wherever you go.
A great opportunity to observe your surroundings, with a different look!
Excited to start skating?
You can find several models of skates on amazon.com !
Find your partner and live this wonderful new experience!
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