No matter how dedicated and determined you are, being in a disorganized and inadequate study environment can seriously undermine your academic performance.
If you can leave this environment conducive, it will help you to focus on what is important and assist you in this process.
So, I invite you to pay close attention to these tips and see the positive result that they can promote in your study routine! Come on?
Not everyone has an extra room in their home to study.
In case you have, great! If not, it is important to choose a corner of the house that is well lit, that there are no people walking around it at all times and that is quiet.
Depending on the lighting of the environment you are in, effects such as relaxation and even drowsiness can be felt because of it.
Everything a student does not want when studying.
Therefore, keep windows or curtains open, if you need to use lamps, but do not surrender to low light.
If you search, you will find desks of various sizes, materials and prices.
So, choose one that looks good in the space you chose to study.
It is very important for positioning your computer or laptop, in addition to basic office items.
It sounds silly, but a sizable shelf, a wastebasket and a pen holder are great allies in the effort to stay organized.
Another tip is to have an erasable magnetic calendar, to record important dates such as exams and school assignments.
When the month is over, just erase and write your calendar for the next month again.
We can spend hours studying seated and this can bring health problems, especially for your back.
Hence the need for an office chair that is comfortable.
Another item that many forget but that helps a lot when feeling comfortably seated to study is a footrest.
Very useful for improving your posture and not overloading legs and feet.
Fixing photos or images of goals you want to achieve through studies and even pictures with motivational phrases can give you a boost!
If you like to listen to music while studying, try to keep it to a volume of "ambient sound" and preferably, calmer music.
Good studies for you!
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