Mobile Printer

Is it worth investing in?

Mobile Printer

Is it worth investing in?

Anyone from the time when the photos were limited to a small roll of film, with a maximum of 32 poses, is amazed by the possibilities that today's cameras can offer.

This feeling of freedom, being able to photograph as much as you want, with unlimited resources and professional quality, has been a great differential for those who love to photograph or be photographed.

The point is that we also want to immortalize these moments in printed photos and to our delight, some important brands have developed the printer for mobile phones or as some call it, instant printer.

How does it work?

The mobile printer is simple and easy to use.

Just have a mobile device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) and connect via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

The prints are of the highest quality and with an estimated time of up to 11 seconds for the photos to be printed.

Its battery is rechargeable with USB or MicroUSB inputs.

And more:

With a compact design, you can easily carry it in your pocket, backpack or purse.

By connecting via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, there is no need for wires and with the help of applications, you can print your favorite photos from your social networks with effects and filters.

Some manufacturers offer special papers that can be self-adhesive (such as adhesives) or with different edges (colored).

It is important to note that:

The photos are in different sizes, because the idea is to keep them as a souvenir, a record of a moment or even give them as a gift to someone.

To give you an idea, prints are usually about the size of a credit card, which can be rectangular or square.

Packets with papers for cell phone printers are easy to find and usually come with 10 sheets.

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