The number 1 reason that leads cat and dog owners to opt for neutering is to avoid procreation, however, this decision can help to prevent various types of diseases, including cancer.
The sooner the castration is done, the better.
In addition to preventing pregnancy, neutering also protects the animal from malignant diseases such as breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males.
As stated earlier, the ideal is that castration is done as soon as possible.
In the case of females, it can be done before the first heat, which can prevent them from suffering a psychological pregnancy, since in the first cycle, the organism understands that it is ready to generate offspring.
Another problem is the development of mastitis, which is when the female's organism produces milk, and ends up hardening, as there are no babies to breastfeed.
This causes a lot of suffering, pain and irritation to the animal.
If this happens, the females start producing milk and hormones, as if they were going through a pregnancy.
And exactly because they are not pregnant, they can develop cancer, in addition to pyometra (a uterine bacterial infection), which, if not treated early, can lead to death.
Pyometra can be avoided by neutering the animal, because when it comes into heat, the uterus peels off and the cervix opens so that sperm are received.
However, bacteria can enter the uterus and cause this infection.
And in males, in addition to decreasing aggression, castration also prevents prostate cancer and inhibits the urge to urinate everywhere to "mark territory".
From six months onwards, the procedure can be done and it is very fast.
In females, the surgery can take around 30 minutes and in males, 15 minutes.
The veterinarian asks for some preoperative exams and everything is fine, the risk in this type of surgery is minimal.
In addition, a 12-hour fast should be followed to avoid any problems during the procedure.
If this fasting does not happen, the anesthesia can cause vomiting and because it is anesthetized, the animal can aspirate this liquid, going straight to the lung.
By neutering your pet, you avoid the abandonment of dogs and puppies and the suffering of not having a home, care and food to live with dignity.
In other words, castration is an act of love and empathy for pets.
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