6 interactive books for teens

A hit among young people, these books promise to sharpen creativity even further and reduce stress!

6 interactive books for teens

A hit among young people, these books promise to sharpen creativity even further and reduce stress!

With an increasingly demanding audience connected to social media and smartphones, tablets and state-of-the-art computers, encouraging reading has been a major challenge, both for the more traditional writers and for the more in tuned ones.

Therefore, the most successful strategy has been to create books that are able to interact in a very interesting and curious way with their readers.

If you are looking for an alternative to pique your interest in reading or someone in particular, this list of 6 interactive books for teens can help you!

Check out:


With proposed tasks to be accomplished throughout the reading, the book “Destroy this diary” by Canadian Keri Smith, has been making people talk.

As the book's title itself suggests, among the tasks written in the book, you can find a proposal to scribble, cut, paste and even take the book to the bathroom.

And speaking of proposal, you can see that, in a very relaxed way, the focus of the book is to awaken self-knowledge and the most varied practices with humor and detachment.


Another Keri Smith hit, Finish This Book has a pretty intriguing plot.

Keri builds a scenario where the author finds some pages scattered in a park and challenges the reader to be the new author of this publication.

With spying techniques and well-crafted goals, Finish this book manages to stimulate creativity in a very interesting way.


Another really cool insight by author Keri Smith, the book This is not a book, it's a cluster of tasks you must do.

In a very intelligent way, Keri Smith interacts with his reader, inviting him to be part of this work with his personal touches.

An example is when one of the tasks includes asking the reader to pick up a book at random and write the first phase they see, as well as challenges in deciphering page creations.


Writer Lee Crutchley challenges himself to write a book that doesn't promise any kind of magic formula for happiness.

On the other hand, it is committed to helping the reader understand what might be wrong and why he feels that way.

With proposed tasks to guide self-knowledge, the book How to be happy (or at least, less sad), is a very sensitive and objective option for those who face this type of emotional battle.


A little different from previous books, Listography awakens and encourages the reader to expose their memories, interests and dreams in a list.

The proposals from the most varied lists help the reader to know himself better, organize his ambitions and visualize his priorities and passions.


Author Adam J. Kurtz invites the reader to better understand how simple and unusual attitudes can give a new tone to your life and your day.

In the book 1 page at a time, you'll find fun and unusual questions and answers, as well as challenging and fun instructions and perks you can allow yourself to live, a boost to self-confidence.

In short, these books come with a proposal for fun, self-knowledge and relaxation, added to a series of random tasks, but with well-defined objectives.

Have you read or know any of these books? Tell us what you think :)

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